Happy 1st Birthday, fursuitmak.ing!

fursuitmak.ing is 1 year old!
26,000 words worth of tutorials, over 10,000 front-page visits, 19 articles written, and 4 free patterns and files, all in the first year.I did not expect this website to grow as much as it has! I'm just getting started: I still have a LOT more planned for down the road.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! It means the world that you all have enjoyed this website so much.
Exciting Special Updates!
I have base 3D models and tail patterns available for purchase! Use code 1YEAR until the end of January to get 10% off!This is a GREAT way to support me and the site, and you get some cool stuff in return! I intend to release new base models every month or so, along with premium patterns and premium files.
Long-Awaited Furring Tutorial is Live!
My head furring tutorial, which has been in development since May, is now FINISHED and LIVE!It's a super in-depth tutorial on how to add fur onto your prepped headbase.
Four Other New Tutorials!
Making Simple Handpaws, Preshaving Faux Fur, How to Make Velcro Eyelids, AND Making Fursuit Hair Puffs are four additional new tutorials!New Site Header!
The original site logo was a very quick placeholder made with Microsoft's Word Art. It was never meant to be permanent but it stuck around for a lot longer than I anticipated. I made a new one inspired by it!Tutorials Page Formatting Update
The tutorials page is better organized to support the growing number of tutorials!Every Page has a Title
This one's very small: every page on the site now has its own title in the header of your tabs. Small little quality-of-life update :)Supporting Directly
I have a ko-fi page if you'd like to support me directly, so I can continue to make free tutorials and resources. Thank you so much!